Faculty of Business Studies & Finance

FQAC – Terms of Reference


The internal Quality Assurance Cell of the Faculty of Business Studies & Finance has the mandate to create a culture that seeks to continually improve the quality of all academic and other activities in the Faculty. Quality Assurance activities at the Faculty level shall be managed by Faculty Quality Assurance Cells (FQACs).

The FQAC composition and meetings

The FQAC shall comprise of ;

  1. Dean
  2. Heads of Departments
  3. Chairperson of the Faculty Curriculum & Academic Development Committee
  4. Chairperson of the Faculty Teaching & Learning Committee
  5. Chairperson of the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee
  6. Chairperson of the Faculty Research & publication Committee
  7. The cadre Chair Professor in each Department in the Faculty
  8. one (1) senior Lecturer or above representing each of the Department
  9. Directors of Board of Studies
  10. The administrative officer (SAR or AR) assigned to the Faculty
  11. One (1) Technical Officer / Management Assistant selected from the non-academic staff of the Faculty
  12. Two (2) student representatives were selected by the Student-Staff Liaison Committee (one undergraduate and postgraduate)
  • The administrative officer (SAR or AR) assigned to the Faculty shall serve as the secretary to the FQAC.
  • Any other officers of the University shall be invited to attend the meetings of the FQAC as invitees whenever necessary.
  • Coordinator of the FQAC: The coordinator of the FQAC shall be appointed among its members (excluding the Dean)

Responsibilities and Duties

The FQAC shall be the faculty’s consultative body on matters pertaining to the objectives of the IQAU. Its responsibilities shall be;

  1. to facilitate implementation of QA related policies of the University.
  2. to promote quality enhancement activities (Academic Quality Enhancement Framework) within the faculty liaising with Curriculum & Academic Development Committee, Teaching Learning Committee, Higher Degrees Committee and other faculty committee and Departments.
  3. to liaise with the IQAU, QAC of University Grants Commission and the University Grants Commission in facilitating the conduct of external programme reviews in the faculty.
  4. to facilitate implementation of follow-up actions recommended in institution/programme review reports, monitor progress in their implantation and report to the QAMC in this regard.
  5. to liaise with quality assurance bodies in other higher educational institutions, to share good practices and enhance the quality of higher education in the faculty.
  6. to support and monitor implementation of learning activities and assessments that promote the development of socio-emotional skills among students.
  7. to facilitate preparation of self-evaluation reports for programme reviews.
  8.  monitoring the student feedback mechanism for both undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes.
  9. organizing and verifying the annual and periodic monitoring and review of degree programmes of the faculty.
  10. organizing, circulating and updating a complete electronic archive of all the documentation concerning the University’s QA process.
  11. providing advice to the Dean and the Faculty Board in relation to QA at the faculty level.
  12. providing support to the faculty staff and students involving in QA processes, through organizing training and furnishing guidelines, operating instructions and any other tool of use in fostering comprehension and application.
  13. (m) periodically reporting all above activities to the Faculty Board and QAMC through the Dean or the Co-ordinator of FQAC.